One way Salesforce empowers communities around the world is through the Power of Us program. Power of Us program gives Non-Profit organizations and education institutions access to Salesforce products and resources.
Here are some guidelines to check whether your organization is eligible to apply for the Power of Us program. –
You can then sign up for trial version or log into your Salesforce and then then log into the Power of Us Hub to fill out “The Power of Us Application”.
Once you’ve logged in, you then start the application. Access the application form here:
Here are the questions you will expect to fill from step 3 onwards.
PDF File
System Administrator: This should be the primary contact as well as System Administrator of your Salesforce Account. Please do not list partners or consultants as contacts.
First Name:
Last Name:
Executive Signoff: Please provide us with the following details of an Executive or person with similar position who has approved your organization’s request to move forward with this application.
First Name:
Last Name:
How did you hear about
My Organization Name:
Organization Name (local language):
Business ID Number:
What if I do not enter a Business ID Number? If you are not a registered business, please enter ‘N/A’ – however, failure to provide a Business ID Number may prohibit our ability to donate under your country’s tax law.
Charity ID Number: If it’s not available, it may be left out.
Street Address:
Postal Code:
Organization’s Website:
Nonprofit Sector: e.g. Education Related, humanity, environment, animal related, health related etc.
Please describe your organization’s mission (500 words or less).
How do you see helping further this mission?
Required Documentation
Please upload documentation indicating the charitable status of your organization (such as an IRS Determination Letter or a screenshot from your relevant regulatory agency or NCES record). Maximum total file size is 2MB.
Upload any additional documentation to support your charitable status. Requirements for public education institutions: see eligibility guidelines regarding ethics certification. E.g. Kenya – NGO Registration Certificate from Kenya Government, Articles and Memorandum of Association
After filling the application form and submitting successfully, you will wait for your Application to be approved. This can take up to three weeks. If you are approved you should receive an email message from